Purchase plus improvements
Client First Mortgage Solutions can help qualified home buyers make their new home just right for them, with tailored improvements, immediately after taking possession of the purchased property.
If you’re thinking about renovating, there are lots of ways to finance it depending on the size of your project.
Since every homeowner’s financial needs are unique, it’s best to meet with us who can recommend the best solution for your needs.
With the Purchase Plus Improvements Program, borrowers can:
- Renovate their new home immediately after taking possession
- Enjoy the convenience of having one mortgage payment
- Benefit from lower interest rates
- Enjoy the payment flexibility that comes with extended amortization.
How does it work?
- You would need to provide the lender with a detailed quote for the work that is to be completed.
- The lender will include the renovations into the mortgage approval.
- The lender will hold back the renovation/improvement amount with the lawyer until the work is completed.